Civil Engineering company “Jedinstvo” d.o.o. (LLC) owns all necessary work permits, certificates and testing certificates.

Company information

Business company Jedinstvo is entered into register with the District Commercial Court in Banja Luka
under the number 1-129 – 00.
Jedinstvo is business company with limited liability.

Marking / Name of company: Construction company “Jedinstvo” limited liability company Gradiška
Abbreviated marking / name:  Construction company “Jedinstvo” d.o.o. (LLC) Gradiška
ID code:  1045725
identification number: 4401053280004
Tax identification number: 401053280004

Share capital: 2.892.224,00 KM

Activity code: 08.11 

Mian activity: Exploitation of ornamental and building stone, limestone, gypsum, chalk and slate

Other activities: PReady mixed concrete production
Address: Patrijarha Gavrila Dožića 56, 78 400 Gradiška

Phone: + 387 51 813 215

Fax: + 387 51 814 803

Web page:

Responsible person: Zdravko Praštalo, direktor