The construction company “Jedinstvo” from Gradiška was founded in 1963 and it has been operating continuously in the field of civil engineering for almost six decades. The company is in a complete private ownership.

Throughout its long and successful history, “Jedinstvo” has left an indelible mark, especially in the field of civil engineering. “Jedinstvo” has built hundreds of kilometers of main roads in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in Croatia. Also, “Jedinstvo” participated in major projects in Algeria and Iraq.
Today, the main business activity of “Jedinstvo” is the production of construction materials for sale on the markets of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia.

The company has modern production plants of high capacity and employs very skilled personnel.

Additionally, our asphalts are incorporated into the motorways in the Republika Srpska (Banja Luka – Gradiška and Banja Luka – Doboj), while crushed stone of diabase is incorporated into the sub-structure of two-lane railway Dugo Selo – Križevci (Croatia), designed for speeds up to 160 km/h.

Material quality checks are carried out at the Institute of Civil Engineering Institute “IG” d.o.o. (LLC) Banja Luka and Institute “IGH“ d.d. (Joint-stock company) Zagreb.

“Jedinstvo” pays a special attention and give significant financial resources to environmental protection, due to which it constantly upgrades its equipment and conducts a strict supervision of work processes in quarries and production plants.

We are especially proud of our contribution to improving the quality of life of the population in the municipality of Gradiška on whose territory we execute most of our business activities.

Company information

Business company Jedinstvo is entered into register with the District Commercial Court in Banja Luka
under the number 1-129 – 00.
Jedinstvo is business company with limited liability.

Marking / Name of company: Construction company “Jedinstvo” limited liability company Gradiška
Abbreviated marking / name:  Construction company “Jedinstvo” d.o.o. (LLC) Gradiška
ID code:  1045725
identification number: 4401053280004
Tax identification number: 401053280004

Share capital: 2.892.224,00 KM

Activity code: 08.11 

Mian activity: Exploitation of ornamental and building stone, limestone, gypsum, chalk and slate

Other activities: PReady mixed concrete production
Address: Patrijarha Gavrila Dožića 56, 78 400 Gradiška

Phone: + 387 51 813 215

Fax: + 387 51 814 803

Web page:

Responsible person: Zdravko Praštalo, direktor