Company information

Business company Jedinstvo is entered into register with the District Commercial Court in Banja Luka
under the number 1-129 – 00.
Jedinstvo is business company with limited liability.

Marking / Name of company: Construction company “Jedinstvo” limited liability company Gradiška
Abbreviated marking / name:  Construction company “Jedinstvo” d.o.o. (LLC) Gradiška
ID code:  1045725
identification number: 4401053280004
Tax identification number: 401053280004

Share capital: 2.892.224,00 KM

Activity code: 08.11 

Mian activity: Exploitation of ornamental and building stone, limestone, gypsum, chalk and slate

Other activities: PReady mixed concrete production
Address: Patrijarha Gavrila Dožića 56, 78 400 Gradiška

Phone: + 387 51 813 215

Fax: + 387 51 814 803

Web page:

Responsible person: Zdravko Praštalo, direktor